Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Welcome to Third Grade

Dear Parents,

We would like to welcome you and your child to third grade.  This year is an important step for your child’s education.  We have many wonderful activities and challenges planned for the students this year.

The following useful information will help the school year start off smoothly at home and at school:

Curriculum:  Your child will have two teachers this year.  Mrs. Henley teaches Language Arts, Reading, Spelling, Handwriting and Social Studies to her homeroom.  Mrs. Sawyer teaches Math, Science and Social Studies to her homeroom.

Arrival:  The first bell rings at 7:45.  The children will have this time in the classroom to get their belongings put away, sharpen their pencils, and use the restroom.  Work begins promptly at 8:00 when the tardy bell rings.

Dismissal:  Bus Riders and walkers are dismissed at 2:55.  Students who have carpool numbers for the front or back entrances are dismissed at 2:55 as well to go to their carpool spots.  If you need to make a change to your child’s after school arrangements, or if your child will be going home with a friend for one day, please send us a note signed by a parent.  Otherwise, we will dismiss your child according to your written carpool instructions.

Health:  No medications, including over the counter drugs, such as cough drops, are allowed in the classrooms.  Teachers cannot administer medication under any circumstances.  Please see the school nurse when a medication is needed during school hours.

Absences/Tardies:  Children who are absent or tardy must bring a note from home the next day stating the reason for their absence so we may count the absences as excused.  These notes must be received within 3 day.  If your child needs to leave school early, please send a note in the morning so we can have your child ready when the office calls.

Conferences:  Conferences may be scheduled whenever there is a need for one.  Our conference time is 8:20-8:50.  Please send a note, email or call the office to schedule a conference.

Homework:  Homework will be assigned daily-Monday through Thursday, with occasional home projects which may entail a weekend.  Incomplete class work will be expected to be completed in the evenings.  Homework assignments will be coming home in a labeled folder according to subject.  Homework is a tool used to reinforce skills being taught in the classroom.

Graded Papers:  Your child’s graded papers will come every Wednesday in a blue folder.  You will need to go over the papers with your child and sign where indicated.  Write us a note if you have any concerns or question your child’s understanding of a concept.  Happy notes to us are also welcomed.  The Briargrove Buzz and other school communications will also be included in the blue folder.  Please make sure to stop at Briargrove’s website as www.bgroadrunners.org to visit our blogs.

Wednesday Folders:  The Wednesday folder is our way of staying in communication with you and is vitally important to us.  We need the folder returned on Thursday’s unless you have written us a note or spoken with us about the need for more time to review work.  Thanks for your active involvement in this process.

Conduct:  Your child’s conduct is kept in the classroom on a daily basis.  Each Wednesday, you will be receiving information regarding his/her conduct.  We will need you to sign where we highlight to let us know you have reviewed our comments or the grade and discussed the week’s events with him/her.  If a student receives a conduct mark you will be getting a note from your child with the detail of what happened.  These notes need to be signed and returned the next school day.   If there is a serious situation which occurs, we will be in immediate contact.  Otherwise, please look on the conduct sheet in the prongs to see the conduct grade.  If you have any further concerns, please do contact us.

Daily Schedule:  A daily schedule is attached to this letter.

Lunch and Snacks:  Our lunch time will be from 11:50-12:20.  You are always welcome to join your child for lunch.  In fact, we encourage this.  Please be advised that according to school policy, your child may ask only one other child to join him/her to eat out on the patio with you.  (We ask that you not allow your child and friend to play on the recess equipment after your lunch together, as we as a school are worried about numbers out on the playground already.)  Otherwise, you are welcome to join your child for lunch with the class at the table.  Prepaid lunch cards, a convenient way to take care of lunch purchases, can be paid for any morning before school in the front office.

Your child may bring a small, healthy snack to eat midmorning, such as fruit, raisins, nuts, trail mix, carrot sticks, crackers, a half sandwich, etc.  Cookies, candy or potato chips are inappropriate.  NO soda is allowed, although your child is encouraged to bring a bottle of water.  Water is the only acceptable liquid allowed in our classrooms.

Cell Phones:  Students are not permitted to use their cell phones during the school day (7:15-4:00).  If your child needs to use a phone, he/she may use the school phone with permission from his/her classroom teacher.  Inappropriate use of a cell phone will result in confiscation by school personnel.

Dress Code:  Please see attached dress code policy and sign.

Reminders:  Please be sure to sign and return the acknowledgement form found in the center of the Code of Student Conduct as soon as possible.  Also, please return enrollment cards no later than Friday, if you have not already done so.  Be sure the card is completely filled out, including a neighbor or relative to contact in case of emergency, and a doctor’s name and number.  If you do not have a pediatrician or family doctor, please tell us where you would take your child in a medical emergency. 

For more information, please refer to the parent/student handbook.

We look forward to a great third grade year with your child.  Please sign the form below to indicate you have received this letter and reviewed it with your child.

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