Monday, January 9, 2012

Weekly Updates 1/9/12

Happy Monday!  I wanted to provide you with some reminders and happenings in the classroom.

In the red Wednesday folder please male sire to take out the January homework sheet (if you haven't yet) and do 3 activities a week.  The homework is due on Tuesday, January 31st.  Also in the folder this week is a book order for scholastic.  Books make great gifts and just fun times with your child.  Consider ordering some.  I gave directions on how to order online or you can still order by sending it in tome with a check made out to Scholastic book clubs.  Lastly there is a field trip permission slip for the Interactive Theater for Friday, February 17th.  The cost of the field trip is $10.00.  The money and permission slip are due back by Friday, January 27th.

In class we are back in full swing.  In reading we are discussing how animals change (such as a caterpillar and butterfly).  In Math we are discussing 2 and 3-d shapes and symmetry.  In Science we are discussing winter and winter animals and lastly in Social Studies is all about Martin Luther King.

Reminder:  Wednesday, January 11th is early dismissal at 12:30

Monday, January 16th is no school in honor of Martin Luther King, Jr.


  1. Ms. Sawyer,

    Any favorite online spots that you prefer/suggest to help the kids in regards to the subjects being covered this semester?


  2. I am all over the place, but I will find some kid appropriate websites and add some new links to my blog over the weekend. Thanks for checking out the blog and for asking. Mrs. Sawyer
